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The workbench tier 3 is a crafting station used to craft some of the most advanced items. It has many more crafting recipes than its predecessor, the workbench tier 2.



Name Recipe Crafting station
Workbench Tier 3 400 Iron Ingot
50 Stone
20 Maple Wood
Workbench Tier 2
Workbench Tier 3
Workbench Tier 4
Before July 23, 2021
Workbench Tier 3 450 Iron Ingot
50 Stone Brick
20 Maple Wood
Workbench Tier 2
Workbench Tier 3
Before September 18, 2020
Workbench Tier 3 20 Steel Rod
50 Stone Brick
20 Maple Wood
Workbench Tier 2
Workbench Tier 3


The workbench tier 2 can be upgraded into a workbench tier 3 with 400 iron ingots, 50 stone, and 20 maple wood. Upgrading the crafting station will replace the workbench tier 2 with a workbench tier 3.


Workbench Tier 3 Breaking Data
Hardness 6
Best Tool Pickaxe
Max Hits Needed
Material/Tool Axe Pickaxe
Stone Shovel 9
Wooden 18 9
Stone 10 6
Iron 6 4
Gilded Steel 5 3
Diamond 3 2
Opal 3 2
Void Mattock 2


Crafting recipes[]

The workbench tier 3's recipes can be sorted into 7 categories: All, tools, blocks, workbenches, utility, factory, and fun.

Image Name Recipe Required skill
Wooden Pickaxe Render 2000x2000 Wooden Pickaxe 3 Oak Wood None
Wooden Axe Render 2000x2000 Wooden Axe 3 Oak Wood None
Wooden Sword Render 2000x2000 Wooden Sword 20 Oak Wood None
Wooden Mallet Render 2000x2000 Wooden Mallet 40 Oak Wood None
Granite Hammer Render 2000x2000 Granite Hammer 20 Granite
10 Iron Ingot
Stone Pickaxe Render 2000x2000 Stone Pickaxe 20 Stone
10 Oak Wood
Stone Axe Render 2000x2000 Stone Axe 20 Stone
10 Oak Wood
Stone Sword Render 2000x2000 Stone Sword 40 Stone
10 Oak Wood
Plow Render 2000x2000 Plow 5 Oak Wood
2 Stone
Watering Can Render 2000x2000 Watering Can 10 Oak Wood Level 3 Farming
Stone Sickle Render 2000x2000 Stone Sickle 5 Oak Wood
15 Stone
Wooden Fishing Rod Render 2000x2000 Wooden Fishing Rod 10 Oak Wood None
Net Render 2000x2000 Net 15 Oak Wood Level 2 Animal Care
Bucket Render 2000x2000 Bucket 3 Iron Ingot None
Stone Shovel Render 2000x2000 Stone Shovel 20 Stone
10 Oak Wood
Leaf Clippers Render 2000x2000 Leaf Clippers 10 Iron Ingot None
Iron Fishing Rod Render 2000x2000 Iron Fishing Rod 50 Maple Wood
40 Iron Ingot
Level 20 Fishing
Tier 1 Bait Render 2000x2000 Tier 1 Bait 10 Tomatoes Level 15 Fishing
Tier 2 Bait Render 2000x2000 Tier 2 Bait 8 Carrot Level 15 Fishing
Water Jug Render 2000x2000 Water Jug 20 Clay None
Quill Render 2000x2000 Quill 3 Feather
2 Iron Ingot
Noimageblock Pesticide Spray 30 Amethyst Crystal Hardcore mode
Level 37 Farming
Campfire Render 2000x2000 Campfire 10 Oak Wood None
Small Furnace Render 2000x2000 Small Furnace 10 Stone
10 Iron Ingot
Sawmill Render 2000x2000 Sawmill 10 Oak Wood
10 Iron Ingot
Polishing Station Render 2000x2000 Polishing Station 45 Oak Wood
5 Iron Ingot
20 Stone
Level 24 Forging
Stonecutter Render 2000x2000 Stonecutter 40 Iron Ingot None
Composter Render 2000x2000 Composter 30 Birch Wood
10 Stone
Level 14 Farming
Vending Machine Render 2000x2000 Vending Machine 1 Crystallized Iron
5 Green Sticky Gear
10 Gold Ingot
Level 55 Economy
Honey Press Render 2000x2000 Honey Press 30 Birch Wood
50 Iron Ingot
Level 5 Animal Care
Cheesemaker Render 2000x2000 Cheesemaker 30 Birch Wood
50 Iron Ingot
Level 10 Animal Care
Churner Render 2000x2000 Churner 45 Birch Wood
20 Iron Ingot
Level 18 Animal Care
Basic Sprinkler Render 2000x2000 Basic Sprinkler 1 Crystallized Iron
2 Green Sticky Gear
30 Iron Ingot
Water Catcher Render 2000x2000 Water Catcher 10 Iron Ingot
10 Oak Wood
Water Storage Barrel Render 2000x2000 Water Barrel 2 Steel Rod
20 Iron Ingot
50 Maple Wood
Blast Furnace Render 2000x2000 Blast Furnace 50 Brick
20 Iron Ingot
Mysterious Portal Render 2000x2000 Mysterious Portal 1 Mysterious Fragment #1
1 Mysterious Fragment #2
1 Mysterious Fragment #3
1 Mysterious Fragment #4
Washing Station Render 2000x2000 Washing Station 1 Crystallized Iron
100 Maple Wood
30 Iron Ingot
Oak Stair Render 2000x2000Pine Stair Render 2000x2000Birch Stair Render 2000x2000Maple Stair Render 2000x2000Hickory Stair Render 2000x2000Spirit Stair Render 2000x2000Cherry Blossom Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Wood Stairs (Oak, Pine, Birch, Maple, Hickory, Spirit, Cherry Blossom) 1 respective Plank None
Oak Slab Render 2000x2000Pine Slab Render 2000x2000Birch Slab Render 2000x2000Maple Slab Render 2000x2000Hickory Slab Render 2000x2000Spirit Slab Render 2000x2000Cherry Blossom Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Wood Slab (Oak, Pine, Birch, Maple, Hickory, Spirit, Cherry Blossom) 1 respective Plank None
Oak Fence Render 2000x2000Pine Fence Render 2000x2000Birch Fence Render 2000x2000Maple Fence Render 2000x2000Hickory Fence Render 2000x2000Spirit Fence Render 2000x2000Cherry Blossom Fence Render 2000x2000 Fence (Oak, Pine, Birch, Maple, Hickory, Spirit, Cherry Blossom) 5 respective Plank None
Vine Stem Fence Render 2000x2000 Vine Stem Fence 5 Vine Stem None
Ladder Render 2000x2000 Ladder 1 Oak Wood None
Pine Door Render 2000x2000 Pine Door 10 Pine Wood None
Pine Door 2 Render 2000x2000 Pine Door 10 Pine Wood None
Glass Door Render 2000x2000 Glass Door 5 Solid Black
5 Glass Pane
Oak Sign Post Render 1130x2000Pine Sign Post Render 1130x2000Birch Sign Post Render 1130x2000Maple Sign Post Render 1130x2000Hickory Sign Post Render 1130x2000Spirit Sign Post Render 1130x2000Cherry Blossom Sign Post Render 1130x2000 Sign (Oak, Pine, Birch, Maple, Hickory, Spirit, Cherry Blossom) 3 respective Plank None
Honey Block Render 2000x2000 Honey Block 4 Jar of Honey None
Honeycomb Block Render 2000x2000 Honeycomb Block 4 Honeycomb None
Bone Block Render 2000x2000 Bone Block 10 Bone None
Torch Render 2000x2000 Torch 2 Oak Wood
1 Coal
Firefly Lantern Render 2000x2000 Firefly Lantern 1 Yellow Firefly Jar
25 Stone
Hanging Elephant Banner Render 2000x2000 Elephant Banner 5 Oak Wood
1 Light Green Flower
1 Mundane Flower
Hanging Jungle Banner Render 2000x2000 Jungle Banner 5 Oak Wood
1 Dark Green Flower
Hanging Lovely Cow Banner Render 2000x2000 Lovely Cow Banner 5 Oak Wood
1 White Flower
1 Red Flower
Hanging Aquamarine Banner Render 2000x2000 Aquamarine Banner 5 Oak Wood
1 Blue Flower
Green Slime Block Render 2000x2000 Green Slime Block 10 Green Slime Ball None
Blue Slime Block Render 2000x2000 Blue Slime Block 10 Blue Slime Ball None
Pink Slime Block Render 2000x2000 Pink Slime Block 10 Pink Slime Ball None
Leaves Block Render 2000x2000 Leaves 4 Leaves None
Maple Leaves Block Render 2000x2000 Maple Leaves 4 Maple Leaves None
Trap Door Oak Render 2000x2000Trap Door Pine Render 2000x2000Trap Door Birch Render 2000x2000Trap Door Hickory Render 2000x2000Trap Door Maple Render 2000x2000Trap Door Spirit Render 2000x2000Trap Door Iron Render 2000x2000Trap Door Cherry Blossom Render 2000x2000 Trap Door (Oak, Pine, Birch, Hickory, Maple, Spirit, Iron, Cherry Blossom) Wood: 5 respective Log
Iron: 5 Iron Ingot
Blue Coral Block Render 2000x2000Light Blue Coral Block Render 2000x2000Pink Coral Block Render 2000x2000Yellow Coral Block Render 2000x2000 Coral Block (Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Yellow) 3 respective Coral None
Compact Ice Render 2000x2000 Compact Ice 2 Ice None
Compact Snow Render 2000x2000 Compact Snow 2 Snow None
Candy Cane Block Render 2000x2000 Candy Cane 2 Candy Cane None
Wood Plate Render 2000x2000Clay Plate Render 2000x2000Golden Plate Render 2000x2000 Plate (Wood, Clay, Golden) Wood: 4 Pine Wood
Clay: 4 Clay
Gold: 10 Gold Ingot
Wood Target Block Render 2000x2000 Wood Target Block 2 Oak Wood None
Iron Target Block Render 2000x2000 Iron Target Block 2 Iron Ingot None
Aquamarine Block Render 2000x2000 Aquamarine Block 4 Aquamarine Shard None
Bamboo Block Render 2000x2000 Bamboo Block 5 Bamboo None
Dried Bamboo Block Render 2000x2000 Dried Bamboo Block 5 Dried Bamboo None
Mossy Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Mossy Stair 1 Mossy Block None
Cobblestone Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Cobblestone Stair 1 Cobblestone Block None
Mossy Cobblestone Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Mossy Cobblestone Stair 1 Mossy Cobblestone Block None
Void Stone Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Stair 1 Void Stone Block None
Void Stone Brick Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Brick Stair 1 Void Stone Brick None
Void Stone Cobble Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Cobble Stair 1 Void Stone Cobble None
Void Stone Polished Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Polished Stair 1 Void Stone Polished None
Void Stone Carved Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Carved Stair 1 Void Stone Carved None
Void Stone Tiled Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Tiled Stair 1 Void Stone Tiled None
Checker Tiled Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Checker Tiled Stair 1 Checker Tiled Block None
Caution Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Caution Stair 1 Caution Block None
Stone Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Aquamarine Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Slate Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Sandstone Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Red Sandstone Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Marble Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Sandstone Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Sandstone Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Red Sandstone Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Red Sandstone Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Aquamarine Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Aquamarine Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Andesite Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Diorite Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Granite Brick Stair Render 2000x2000Basalt Brick Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Brick & Smooth Stair (Stone Brick, Brick, Aquamarine Brick, Slate Brick, Sandstone Brick, Red Sandstone Brick, Marble Brick, Smooth Sandstone, Smooth Sandstone Brick, Smooth Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone Brick, Smooth Aquamarine, Smooth Aquamarine Brick, Andesite Brick, Diorite Brick, Granite Brick, Basalt Brick) 1 respective Brick/Smooth material None
Slate Stair Render 2000x2000Marble Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Aquamarine Stair Render 2000x2000Sandstone Stair Render 2000x2000Red Sandstone Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Sandstone Stair Render 2000x2000Smooth Red Sandstone Stair Render 2000x2000Andesite Stair Render 2000x2000Diorite Stair Render 2000x2000Granite Stair Render 2000x2000Basalt Stair Render 2000x2000 2 Mineral Stairs (Slate, Marble, Smooth Aquamarine, Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Smooth Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Basalt) 1 respective Mineral material None
Marble Column Render 2000x2000 Marble Column 2 Marble None
Pearl Block Render 2000x2000 Pearl Block 10 Pearl None
Buffalkor Crystal Block Render 2000x2000 Buffalkor Crystal Block 10 Buffalkor Crystal None
Coal Block Render 2000x2000 Coal Block 10 Coal None
Iron Block Render 2000x2000 Iron Block 10 Iron Ingot None
Gold Block Render 2000x2000 Gold Block 10 Gold Ingot None
Copper Block Render 2000x2000 Copper Block 10 Copper Ingot None
Red Bronze Block Render 2000x2000 Red Bronze Block 10 Red Bronze Ingot None
Diamond Block Render 2000x2000 Diamond Block 10 Diamond None
Ruby Block Render 2000x2000 Ruby Block 4 Ruby None
Opal Block Render 2000x2000 Opal Block 10 Opal None
Mushroom Block Render 2000x2000 Mushroom Block 5 Red Mushroom None
Mossy Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Mossy Slab 1 Mossy Block None
Cobblestone Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Cobblestone Slab 1 Cobblestone Block None
Mossy Cobblestone Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Mossy Cobblestone Slab 1 Mossy Cobblestone Block None
Void Stone Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Slab 1 Void Stone Block None
Void Stone Brick Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Brick Slab 1 Void Stone Brick None
Void Stone Cobble Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Cobble Slab 1 Void Stone Cobble None
Void Stone Polished Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Polished Slab 1 Void Stone Polished None
Void Stone Carved Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Carved Slab 1 Void Stone Carved None
Void Stone Tiled Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Void Stone Tiled Slab 1 Void Stone Tiled None
Checker Tiled Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Checker Tiled Slab 1 Checker Tiled Block None
Caution Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Caution Slab 1 Caution Block None
Mossy Stone Brick Render 2000x2000 4 Mossy Stone Brick 4 Stone Brick
1 Tall Grass
Stone Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Aquamarine Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Slate Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Sandstone Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Red Sandstone Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Marble Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Smooth Sandstone Slab Render 2000x2000Smooth Sandstone Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Smooth Red Sandstone Slab Render 2000x2000Smooth Red Sandstone Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Smooth Aquamarine Slab Render 2000x2000Smooth Aquamarine Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Andesite Slab Render 2000x2000Andesite Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Diorite Slab Render 2000x2000Diorite Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Granite Slab Render 2000x2000Granite Brick Slab Render 2000x2000Basalt Slab Render 2000x2000Basalt Brick Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Brick & Smooth Slab (Stone Brick, Brick, Aquamarine Brick, Slate Brick, Sandstone Brick, Red Sandstone Brick, Marble Brick, Smooth Sandstone, Smooth Sandstone Brick, Smooth Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone Brick, Smooth Aquamarine, Smooth Aquamarine Brick, Andesite, Andesite Brick, Diorite, Diorite Brick, Granite, Granite Brick, Basalt, Basalt Brick) 1 respective Brick/Smooth material None
Slate Slab Render 2000x2000Marble Slab Render 2000x2000Aquamarine Slab Render 2000x2000Sandstone Slab Render 2000x2000Red Sandstone Slab Render 2000x2000 2 Mineral Slab (Slate, Marble, Aquamarine, Sandstone, Red Sandstone) 1 respective Mineral material None
Iron Door Render 2000x2000 Iron Door 30 Iron Ingot
1 Green Sticky Gear
Carpet Render 2000x2000 Carpet 1 White Wool None
Pond Planter Render 2000x2000 Pond Planter 40 Stone
10 Grass
1 Water Bucket
Void Block Render 2000x2000 Respawn Block 10 Magma Block
5 Crystallized Obsidian
20 Obsidian
Mossy Block Render 2000x2000 4 Mossy Block 4 Tall Grass None
Cobblestone Block Render 2000x2000 4 Cobblestone Block 8 Stone Brick None
Mossy Cobblestone Block Render 2000x2000 4 Mossy Cobblestone Block 8 Stone Brick
4 Tall Grass
Amethyst Block Render 2000x2000 3 Amethyst Block 10 Amethyst Crystal None
Void Stone Brick Render 2000x2000 Void Stone Brick 1 Void Stone Block None
Void Stone Cobble Render 2000x2000 Void Stone Cobble 1 Void Stone Brick None
Void Stone Polished Render 2000x2000 Void Stone Polished 1 Void Stone Cobble None
Void Stone Carved Render 2000x2000 Void Stone Carved 1 Void Stone Polished None
Void Stone Tiled Render 2000x2000 Void Stone Tiled 1 Void Stone Carved None
Solid White Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Black Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Pink Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Red Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Orange Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Yellow Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Light Green Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Dark Green Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Cyan Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Blue Stair Render 2000x2000Solid Purple Stair Render 2000x2000 2 (colored) Solid Stair 1 respective Solid None
Solid White Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Black Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Pink Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Red Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Orange Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Yellow Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Light Green Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Dark Green Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Cyan Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Blue Slab Render 2000x2000Solid Purple Slab Render 2000x2000 2 (colored) Solid Slab 1 respective Solid None
Pastel Red Stair Render 2000x2000Pastel Orange Stair Render 2000x2000Pastel Yellow Stair Render 2000x2000Pastel Green Stair Render 2000x2000Pastel Blue Stair Render 2000x2000Pastel Purple Stair Render 2000x2000Pastel Pink Stair Render 2000x2000 2 (colored) Pastel Stair 1 respective Pastel None
Pastel Red Slab Render 2000x2000Pastel Orange Slab Render 2000x2000Pastel Yellow Slab Render 2000x2000Pastel Green Slab Render 2000x2000Pastel Blue Slab Render 2000x2000Pastel Purple Slab Render 2000x2000Pastel Pink Slab Render 2000x2000 2 (colored) Pastel Slab 1 respective Pastel None
Vine Stem Ladder Render 2000x2000 Vine Stem Ladder 10 Vine Stem None
Small Chest Render 2000x2000 Small Chest 25 Oak Wood None
Mailbox Render 2000x2000 Mailbox 10 Oak Wood None
Trellis Render 2000x2000 Trellis 30 Birch Wood
1 Tall Grass
Level 35 Farming
Trash Can Render 2000x2000 Trash Can 200 Iron Ingot None
Medium Chest Render 2000x2000 Medium Chest 50 Oak Plank
30 Iron Ingot
Food Processor Render 2000x2000 Food Processor 2 Crystallized Gold
5 Green Sticky Gear
2 Steel Rod
Level 25 Forging
Teleporter Pad Render 2000x2000 Teleporter Pad 20 Iron Ingot
10 Steel Ingot
30 Aquamarine Shard
Slime Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Slime Island Orb 5 Glass Block
10 Bamboo
20 Green Slime Ball
1 Blue Slime Ball
Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Island Orb 10 Glass Block
5 Milk Bucket
5 Pizza
3 Mayonnaise Jar
5 Jar of Honey
Hub Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Hub Island Orb 10 Glass Block
15 Oak Wood
15 Coal
10 Iron Ingot
10 Sand
8 Aquamarine Shard
Pirate Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Pirate Island Orb 10 Glass Block
20 Kiwi
10 Bone
Maple Isles Orb Render 2000x2000 Maple Isles Orb 10 Glass Block
20 Raspberry
10 Maple Syrup Bottle
Spirit Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Spirit Island Orb 10 Glass Block
20 Spirit Crystal
Buffalkor Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Buffalkor Island Orb 10 Glass Block
20 Electrite
5 Slate
5 Marble
Level 7 Combat
Diamond Mines Orb Render 2000x2000 Diamond Mines Orb 10 Glass Block
30 Diamond
2 Enchanted Diamond
Level 46 Combat
Wizard Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Wizard Island Orb 10 Glass Block
15 Empty Potion Bottle
10 Red Mushroom
5 Daffodil
Level 20 Combat
Desert Island Orb Render 2000x2000 Desert Island Orb 10 Glass Block
5 Gold Skorp Claw
2 Ruby Skorp Scale
Level 36 Combat
Underworld Orb Render 2000x2000 Underworld Orb 10 Glass Block
20 Opal
5 Infernal Fish
Level 55 Combat
Void Isles Orb Render 2000x2000 Void Isles Orb 10 Glass Block
20 Void Grass
30 Respawn Block
9 Amethyst Crystal
Industrial Chest Render 2000x2000 Industrial Chest 1 Medium Chest
40 Iron Ingot
1 Conveyor Belt
Level 8 Forging
Steel Mill Render 2000x2000 Steel Mill 100 Iron Ingot
50 Gold Ingot
Input Output Chest Render 2000x2000 Input/Output Chest 1 Medium Chest
50 Iron Ingot
2 Conveyor Belt
Level 40 Forging
Conveyor Belt Render 2000x2000 Conveyor Belt 1 Steel Rod
5 Iron Ingot
Level 8 Forging
Right Conveyor Belt Render 2000x2000Left Conveyor Belt Render 2000x2000 Right/Left Conveyor Belt 1 Steel Rod
5 Iron Ingot
Level 12 Forging
Conveyor Ramp Render 2000x2000 Conveyor Ramp Up 3 Conveyor Belt
3 Steel Rod
Conveyor Ramp Down Render 2000x2000 Conveyor Ramp Down 3 Conveyor Belt
3 Steel Rod
Randomizer Render 2000x2000 Randomizer 1 Crystallized Iron
4 Steel Rod
5 Iron Ingot
Merger Render 2000x2000 Merger 1 Crystallized Iron
4 Steel Rod
5 Iron Ingot
Filter Conveyor Render 2000x2000 Filter Conveyor 3 Crystallized Iron
12 Steel Rod
40 Iron Ingot
Industrial Smelter Render 2000x2000 Industrial Smelter 8 Steel Rod
3 Pink Sticky Gear
Level 8 Forging
Steel Press Render 2000x2000 Steel Press 100 Copper Plate
250 Copper Rod
25 Steel Rod
Level 32 Forging
Copper Press Render 2000x2000 Copper Press 500 Copper Ingot
5 Steel Rod
Level 30 Forging
Drill Render 2000x2000 Drill 1 Crystallized Iron
1 Blue Sticky Gear
8 Steel Rod
Level 18 Forging
Industrial Oven Render 2000x2000 Industrial Oven 8 Steel Rod
3 Green Sticky Gear
Level 17 Forging
Industrial Lumbermill Render 2000x2000 Industrial Lumbermill 2 Blue Sticky Gear
3 Steel Rod
1 Conveyor Belt
Industrial Sawmill Render 2000x2000 Industrial Sawmill 8 Steel Rod
3 Blue Sticky Gear
Level 15 Forging
Pallet Packer Render 2000x2000 Pallet Packer 3 Pink Sticky Gear
10 Steel Rod
30 Oak Wood
Industrial Polishing Station Render 2000x2000 Industrial Polishing Station 3 Steel Rod
1 Gearbox
10 Steel Bolt
Level 24 Forging
Industrial Stonecutter Render 2000x2000 Industrial Stonecutter 8 Steel Rod
1 Buffalkor Crystal
Level 22 Forging
Industrial Washing Station Render 2000x2000 Industrial Washing Station 1 Propeller
3 Blue Sticky Gear
10 Steel Rod
Level 27 Forging
Red Bronze Refinery Render 2000x2000 Red Bronze Refinery 100 Steel Plate
250 Copper Rod
25 Steel Rod
Slime Portal Render 2000x2000 Slime Portal 1 Slime Portal Shard
80 Stone
Buffalkor Portal Render 2000x2000 Buffalkor Portal 1 Buffalkor Portal Shard
120 Iron Ingot
Wizard Portal Render 2000x2000 Wizard Portal 1 Wizard Portal Shard
120 Stone Brick
30 Red Carpet
Desert Portal Render 2000x2000 Desert Portal 1 Desert Portal Shard
120 Red Sandstone Brick
5 Cactus
Diamond Mines Portal Render 2000x2000 Diamond Mines Portal 1 Diamond Mines Portal Shard
15 Enchanted Diamond
150 Stone Brick
Silver Butterfly Lantern Render 2000x2000 Silver Butterfly Lantern 1 Yellow Firefly Jar
10 Iron Ingot
Red Butterfly Lantern Render 2000x2000 Red Butterfly Lantern 1 Red Firefly Jar
10 Red Bronze Ingot
Green Butterfly Lantern Render 2000x2000 Green Butterfly Lantern 1 Green Firefly Jar
5 Iron Ingot
5 Electrite
Workbench Tier 4 Render 2000x2000 Workbench Tier 4 250 Red Bronze Ingot
250 Hickory Wood
Workbench Tier 3 Render 2000x2000 Workbench Tier 3 400 Iron Ingot
50 Stone
20 Maple Wood
Workbench Tier 2 Render 2000x2000 Workbench Tier 2 50 Oak Wood
50 Stone
50 Iron Ingot
Workbench Tier 1 Render 2000x2000 Workbench Tier 1 5 Oak Wood
2 Iron Ore
Cutting Table Render 2000x2000 Cutting Table 50 Pine Wood
50 Iron Ingot
Cooking Table Render 2000x2000 Cooking Table 30 Oak Wood
10 Iron Ingot
Furniture Workbench Render 2000x2000 Furniture Workbench 30 Oak Wood None
Animal Bench Render 2000x2000 Animal Bench 30 Oak Wood
5 Iron Ingot
Anvil Render 2000x2000 Anvil 50 Iron Ingot None
Coloring Station Render 2000x2000 Coloring Station 40 Iron Ingot
50 Oak Wood
Brewing Stand Render 2000x2000 Brewing Stand 300 Maple Wood
100 Iron Ingot
10 Empty Potion Bottle
Level 40 Cooking
Electrical Workbench Render 2000x2000 Electrical Workbench 50 Iron Ingot
50 Electrite
Sewing Station Render 2000x2000 Sewing Station 50 Iron Ingot
50 Oak Wood
5 Steel Plate
Blueprint required
Maple Workbench Render 2000x2000 Maple Workbench 30 Maple Wood
10 Iron Ingot
Gamepass required
Snowball Machine Render 2000x2000 Snowball Machine 5 Iron Ingot
10 Snow
Instrument Workbench Render 2000x2000 Instrument Workbench 20 Oak Wood None
Jukebox Render 2000x2000 Jukebox 15 Oak Wood None
Obby Kit Render 2000x2000 Obby Kit 11 Oak Wood None
Floral Bench Render 2000x2000 Floral Bench 10 Oak Wood None
Lighting Station Render 2000x2000 Lighting Station 10 Oak Wood None
Banner Workbench Render 2000x2000 Banner Workbench 20 Oak Wood None
Firework Barrel Render 2000x2000 Firework Barrel 15 Oak Wood None


The workbench tier 3 can be upgraded into a workbench tier 4 with 250 red bronze ingots and 250 hickory wood. Upgrading the crafting station will replace the workbench tier 3 with a workbench tier 4.


April 10, 2020 Workbench Tier 3 Render 2000x2000 Added workbench tier 3s.
September 18, 2020 Changed the recipe of workbench tier 3s from 20 steel rods, 50 stone bricks, and 20 maple wood to 450 iron, 50 stone bricks, and 20 maple wood.
July 23, 2021 Changed the recipe of workbench tier 3s from 450 iron, 50 stone bricks, and 20 maple wood to 400 iron, 50 stone, and 20 maple wood.

