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A mob is a living entity that the player can interact with. Hostile mobs can be attacked while passive mobs cannot. Neutral mobs only attack when damaged.


Mobs spawn in various ways: hostile mobs are tied to specific mob islands. Passive mobs can spawn in varying methods, including the time of day, weather patterns, or with a spawn egg.

List of mobs[]

Mobs are listed and classified by their nature from the player's perspective. For more details on a particular mob, scroll down and click and view their individual page.

Passive mobs[]

Passive mobs are harmless mobs that cannot attack and cannot be attacked by the player.


Animals are a type of passive mob that can be spawned with spawn eggs, which can be obtained via breeding or purchase form Taliyah. They can be ridden once fully grown. They can also be named using an animal nametag. Except for turkeys, animals have a spawn limit based on your Animal Care skill level.

Catchable mobs[]

Catchable mobs are mobs that can be caught with a net.


Fish can be caught using a fishing rod in bodies of water.


Other mobs below do not belong in any category above.

Passive mob stats[]

Name Luminous Spawn location Catch method Additional info
Bee No Player islands (near a bee hive) Net, Golden Net Bees spawn from a bee hive and will pollinate flowers during the day. Bees will produce honeycombs in the bee hive that can be collected.
Firefly Yes Player islands (near trees at night) Net, Golden Net There are 5 different color variants of fireflies. In order of rarity, they are yellow, green, red, blue, and purple.
Fish No Most bodies of water/ Lava pools/ Void pools Fishing Rod Bait can be used to increase the chances of getting a rare catch. Certain fish can only be caught using an iron fishing rod.
Spirit Fish Yes Spirit River Fishing Rod Spirit fish have a 10% chance of spawning in the Spirit River. They are depicted as luminous silhouettes that can be caught using a fishing rod.
Infernal Fish Yes Lava pools Fishing Rod Infernal fish exclusively spawn in lava pools in the Underworld.
Void Fish Yes Void pools Fishing Rod Void fish exclusively spawn in lava pools in the Void Isles.
Cow No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Cows can be milked for milk buckets.
Sheep No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Sheep can be sheared for wool.
Pig No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Pigs may dig up truffles.
Chicken No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Chickens may lay eggs.
Frog No Player islands (during rain) Net, Golden Net A limit of 4 frogs can be on the player's island at once.
Rabbit No Player islands (during winter) Net, Golden Net A limit of 3 rabbits can be on the player's island at once.
Spirit Yes Spirit Island Net, Golden Net There are 4 color variants of spirits. In increasing order of rarity, they are white, blue, pink, and green.
Pumpkin Bat Yes Player's island (near trees at night during Halloween 2021) Net, Golden Net N/A
Butterfly No Butterfly Festival Island Net, Golden Net There are 6 color variants of butterflies. In increasing order of rarity, they are white, red, yellow, green, blue, and silver.
Ember Skull Yes Player's island]] (near trees at night during the Halloween 2022 event) Net, Golden Net N/A
Turkey No Player islands (spawned by players), Maple Isles N/A Turkeys are able to harvest red berries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries for the player. When spooked on the Maple Isles, the player will be rewarded 1 - 2 red berries or raspberries. It is the first and only medium animal passive mob.
Duck No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Ducks may lay duck eggs. Ducks also grant a 25% speed boost when mounted.
Yak No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Yaks can be milked for yak milk buckets. Yaks also grant a 25% speed boost when mounted.
Horse No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Horses grant a 100% speed boost and a 50% jump boost when mounted.
Vulture No Player islands (spawned by players) N/A Vultures may drop feathers.
Void Crop Eater No Player islands (at night in Hardcore Mode) N/A Void Crop Eaters eat the player's crops at night.


Pets are passive mobs that follow the player around. Pets can only be spawned through a pet spawn egg.

Neutral mobs[]

Neutral mobs don't attack players unless they get attacked themselves.

Hostile mobs[]

Hostile mobs always attack players and will drop loot when killed. Most in-game hostile mobs have a chance to drop a jukebox disk and/or a portal shard of their respective island. All in-game mobs have a 0.3% chance to drop either an antler shield or antler hammer provided that the player has the Might of Fhanhorn effect.


Bosses are hostile mobs that have a massive amount of health with unique move/attack sets. Damage dealt to them is reduced by 10% for 2 players, 25% for 3 players, 35% for 4 players, 45% from 5 players, and 55% for 6+ players in the boss' area. When a boss is killed, the amount of Combat XP rewarded is slightly decreased for every player that attacked the boss. Players can see any boss's health bar at the top of the GUI or on top of the boss itself if nearby. Some bosses can be summoned without any Combat level requirement, two bosses cannot be summoned by players or tokens, and only one cannot be bypassed with any token.

Event mobs[]

Event mobs are mobs that are only in-game for a limited amount of time. After their respective events end, they will no longer spawn.

Hostile mob/boss stats[]

Name Spawn location Damage Effects Health XP Possible drops Additional info
Green Slime Slime Island 5 N/A 100 HP 3 (9 with the 4x daily bonus) Green Slime Ball, Green Sticky Gear, Ancient Slime String, Fertile Red Daisy, Fertile Yellow Daisy, Slime Portal Shard, Slime King Token, Jukebox Disk, Slime Ornament Green slimes are the most common slime.
Blue Slime Slime Island 5 N/A 100 HP 3 (9 with the 4x daily bonus) Blue Slime Ball, Blue Sticky Gear, Ancient Slime String, Fertile Red Daisy, Fertile Yellow Daisy, Slime Portal Shard, Slime King Token, Jukebox Disk, Slime Ornament N/A
Pink Slime Slime Island 5 N/A 100 HP 3 (9 with the 4x daily bonus) Pink Slime Ball, Pink Sticky Gear, Ancient Slime String, Slime King Token, Jukebox Disk, Slime Ornament Slime Queen Token Pink slimes are the rarest slime.
Frost Slime Slime Island (during Christmas 2020) 10 N/A 350 HP N/A Frost Slime Ball N/A
Buffalkor Buffalkor Island 10 N/A 400 HP 30 (120 with the 4x daily bonus) Gold Ore, Iron Ore, Buffalkor Crystal, Rageblade Blueprint, Buffalkor Portal Shard, Kor Token, Jukebox Disk N/A
Rock Mimic Buffalkor Island, Diamond Mines 25/30/35 N/A 400/450/500 HP 45 (180 with the 4x daily bonus) Basalt, Coal, Iron Ingot, Gold Ingot, Jukebox Disk Rock mimics will disguise as coal, iron, or gold rocks, jumping out to attack when players walk nearby.
Wizard Lizard Wizard Island 35 N/A 120 HP 51 (198 with the 4x daily bonus) Empty Potion Bottle, Page, Tidal Spellbook Blueprint, Wizard Portal Shard, Wizard Boss Token, Jukebox Disk Wizard lizards shoots projectiles resembling that of a spellbook.
Iron Skorp Desert Island 35 Food Poison 500 HP 75 (300 with the 4x daily bonus) Iron Skorp Scale, Vamp Bow Blueprint, Desert Portal Shard, Bhaa Token, Jukebox Disk Iron skorps inflict the Food Poison effect.
Gold Skorp Desert Island 30 Food Poison 800 HP 87 (348 with the 4x daily bonus) Gold Skorp Scale, Gold Skorp Claw, Vamp Bow Blueprint, Desert Portal Shard, Bhaa Token, Jukebox Disk Gold skorps inflict the Food Poison effect.
Ruby Skorp Desert Island 45 Food Poison 1,200 HP 501 (1998 with the 4x daily bonus) Ruby Skorp Scale, Ruby Skorp Stinger, Vamp Bow Blueprint, Desert Portal Shard, Bhaa Token, Jukebox Disk Ruby skorps inflict the Food Poison effect.
Angry Crab Pirate Island 10 N/A 150 HP 6 (24 with the 4x daily bonus) Coral, Sea Grass, Coconut, Sand, Jukebox Disk Angry crabs attempt to flee if their health is low.
Bandit Pirate Island Jungle 12 N/A 170 HP Bone, Bone Block, Gold Ingot, Crystallized Obsidian, Jukebox Disk N/A
Magma Blob Underworld 20/45 N/A 400 HP Gold Ingot, Underworld Token, Opal, Obsidian, Magma Block, Jukebox Disk Magma blobs have the ability to bury underground and resurface to attack players.
Magma Golem Underworld 35/25 N/A 350 HP Underworld Token, Opal, Obsidian, Jukebox Disk Large magma golems split into two smaller ones when defeated.
Void Hound Void Isles 8 HP/15 HP N/A 100 HP/200 HP Void Serpent Token, Amethyst Crystal, Jukebox Disk Small void hounds spawn on Desert Island while larger ones spawn in the Void Isles.
Grand High Witch Hub (during Halloween 2020) N/A Polymorph 3,580 HP N/A Pumpkin Seeds, The Witches Trophy The Grand High Witch has the ability to summon skeletons, armored skeletons, and pumps.
Skeleton Hub (during Halloween 2020) 8 N/A 100 HP N/A Chocolate Bar, Orange Candy, Lollipop, Jukebox Disk N/A
Armored Skeleton Hub (during Halloween 2020) 8 N/A 220 HP N/A Chocolate Bar, Orange Candy, Lollipop, Jukebox Disk N/A
Pump Hub (during Halloween 2020/2021) 60 N/A 150 HP N/A Chocolate Bar, Orange Candy, Lollipop, Pumpkin Seeds, Jukebox Disk When a player comes into range, pumps will follow the player and start shaking when close, eventually exploding and dealing AOE damage.
Pump King Hub (during Halloween 2020) 115 N/A 300 HP N/A Chocolate Bar, Orange Candy, Lollipop, Jukebox Disk When a player comes into range, pump kings will follow the player and start shaking when close, eventually exploding and dealing AOE damage.
Snowman Hub 10/15 N/A 250 HP 25 (99 with the 4x daily bonus) Snow, Christmas Present 2021, Jukebox Disk Doesn't attack unless it gets damaged.
Spider Candle Hub; Graveyard 12 N/A 90 6 (18 with the 4x daily bonus) Zombie Cletus Token, Jukebox Disc Spawns in Graveyard during the Halloween 2022 event.
Evil Gingerbread Hub; Gingerbread Village 16 N/A 90 HP 6 (18 with the 4x daily bonus) Snowflake Ticket, Jukebox Disc Spawns in Gingerbread Village during the Christmas 2022 event.
Slime King Slime Island 25/5 - 15 N/A 1,500 HP 39 (150 with the 4x daily bonus) Green Slime Ball, Sticky Gear, Mysterious Fragment #1, Slime King Pet Spawn Egg, Jukebox Disk The Slime King lunges at the player to attack.
Kor Diamond Mines 40/35/110 Stun 9,001 HP 2500 (9999 with the 4x daily bonus) Diamond Mines Portal Shard, Mysterious Fragment #2, Kor Pet Spawn Egg, Jukebox Disk Kor spawns diamond and enchanted diamond rocks when killed.
Wizard Boss Wizard Island 30 DPS/40 N/A 2,450 1251 (4998 with the 4x daily bonus) Empty Potion Bottle, Page, Lightning Scepter, Wizard Portal Shard, Tidal Spellbook Blueprint, Mysterious Fragment #3, Wizard Boss Pet Spawn Egg, Jukebox Disk The Wizard Boss has a unique repeated attack similar to the lightning scepter.
Bhaa Desert Island 45/65/100 Stun 10,000 HP 1251 (4998 with the 4x daily bonus) Gold Ingot, Ruby, Desert Portal Shard, Mysterious Fragment #4, Bhaa Pet Spawn Egg, Jukebox Disk Bhaa has the ability to summon skorps.
Infernal Dragon Underworld 25 - 50/75/40 DPS N/A 17,000 HP 1251 (4998 with the 4x daily bonus) Infernal Dragon Egg, Jukebox Disk The Infernal Dragon has the ability to summon magma blobs.
Percival the Pumpkin King Hub (during Halloween 2021) 45/30 - 50 Stun 20,000 HP 1251 (4998 with the 4x daily bonus) Cauldron, Jukebox Disk Percival the Pumpkin King has the ability to summon pumps.
Fhanhorn Maple Isles 25/50 N/A 6,969 HP 1251 (4998 with the 4x daily bonus) Fhanhorn's Flower, Fhanhorn Pet Spawn Egg, Jukebox Disk Fhanhorn has the ability to summon maple trees that heal it. Unlike the Slime King's, Kor's, the Wizard Boss', Bhaa's, and Zombie Cletus' summon cooldown, its summon cooldown currently cannot be bypassed with any token.
Slime Queen Slime Island 15/20/25 Stun
50% Attack Speed
12,000 HP 1500 XP (6000 XP with the 4x daily bonus) Pink Slime Ball, Pink Sticky Gear, Mysterious Fragment #1, Pink Slime Crystal, Slime Queen Pet Spawn Egg, Jukebox Disk The Slime Queen can decreases the player's melee attack speed, summons large pink slimes that do not drop any rewards when defeated, or has the ability to summon the Slime Scepter that heal her.
Void Serpent Void Isles 20/80/60/40 N/A 50,000 HP 2250 XP (9000 XP with the 4x daily bonus) Void Serpent Token, Amethyst Crystal, Serpent Egg, Serpent's Scale, Serpent's Fang, Jukebox Disk The Void Serpent has the ability to summon void hounds and puff out void smoke.
Zombie Cletus Hub 34/35/45/10 N/A 30,000 HP 759 XP (3039 XP with the 4x daily bonus) Cauldron, Zombie Cletus Token, Jukebox Disk Zombie Cletus has the ability to pout out void smoke.
Lunar Rabbit Lunar Rabbit Arena 60/70/50/60/40 N/A 15,000 HP 2125 XP (8500 XP with the daily bonus) Red Envelope 2023, Lunar Mooncake Lunar Rabbit is a fast boss who specializes in both melee and ranged attacks.


List of mobs Resistances Weaknesses
Physical Magical Physical Magical
Regular hostile mobs
Green Slime Render 2000x2000
Green Slime
None Hydro Slashing Inferno
Blue Slime Render 2000x2000
Blue Slime
None Hydro Slashing Inferno
Pink Slime Render 2000x2000
Pink Slime
None Hydro Slashing Inferno
Bandit Render 2000x2000
None Void, Hydro Slashing Ethereal, Inferno
Crab Render 2000x2000
Angry Crab
None Hydro Piercing Inferno
Buffalkor Render 2000x2000
None Quake Striking Storm
Rock Mimic Render 2000x2000
Coal Rock Mimic
None Quake Striking Storm
Iron Rock Mimic Render 2000x2000
Iron Rock Mimic
None Quake Striking Storm
Gold Rock Mimic Render 2000x2000
Gold Rock Mimic
Slashing Quake, Hydro Striking Storm, Inferno
Wizard Lizard Render 2000x2000
Wizard Lizard
None Inferno Piercing Hydro
Iron Skorp Render 2000x2000
Iron Skorp
None Storm Slashing Quake
Gold Skorp Render 2000x2000
Gold Skorp
None Storm Slashing Quake
Ruby Skorp Render 2000x2000
Ruby Skorp
Piercing Storm, Ethereal Striking Quake, Void
Magma Blob Render 2000x2000
Magma Blob
None Inferno Slashing Hydro
Magma Golem Render 2000x2000
Magma Golem
Slashing Quake, Inferno Striking Storm, Hydro
Void Hound Render 2000x2000
Void Hound
None Void Slashing Ethereal
Regular bosses
Slime King Render 2000x2000
Slime King
Striking Hydro Slashing Inferno
Kor Render 2000x2000
Piercing, Slashing Quake None Storm
Wizard Boss Render 2000x2000
Wizard Boss
Striking Storm, Inferno Piercing Quake, Hydro
Bhaa Render 2000x2000
Striking Quake, Ethereal None Storm, Void
Infernal Dragon Render 2000x2000
Infernal Dragon
Striking Void, Inferno Piercing Ethereal, Hydro
Fhanhorn Render 2000x2000
Slashing Hydro, Ethereal Piercing Inferno, Void
Slime Queen Render 2000x2000
Slime Queen
Striking Hydro, Ethereal Slashing Inferno, Void
Void Serpent Render 2000x2000
Void Serpent
Piercing Void, Storm Slashing Ethereal, Quake
Event hostile mobs
Frost Slime Render 2000x2000
Frost Slime
None Hydro Slashing Inferno
Spider Candle Render 2000x2000
Spider Candle
None Void, Inferno Slashing Ethereal, Hydro
Evil Gingerbread Render 2000x2000
Evil Gingerbread
None Inferno Striking, Slashing, Piercing Hydro
Event bosses
Zombie Cletus Render 2000x2000
Zombie Cletus
Striking Void, Hydro Piercing Ethereal, Inferno
Lunar Rabbit Render 2000x2000
Lunar Rabbit
Striking Hydro, Frost Slashing Inferno

Combat level requirement/cooldown duration (bosses only)[]

List of bosses Location Can be summoned with a Combat level requirement? Cooldown duration Can be bypassed/summoned with any token?
Regular bosses
Slime King Render 2000x2000
Slime King*
Slime Island No (Any Combat levels) 15 minutes Yes (Can be bypassed; 500 Slime King tokens)
Kor Render 2000x2000
Diamond Mines Yes (Level 46 Combat or higher) 90 minutes; 1 hour and 30 minutes Yes (Can be bypassed; 500 Kor tokens)
Wizard Boss Render 2000x2000
Wizard Boss
Wizard Island Yes (Level 20 Combat or higher) 45 mnutes Yes (Can be bypassed; 500 Wizard Boss tokens)
Bhaa Render 2000x2000
Desert Island Yes (Level 36 Combat or higher) 120 minutes; 2 hours Yes (Can be bypassed; 500 Bhaa tokens)
Infernal Dragon Render 2000x2000
Infernal Dragon
Underworld Yes (Level 55 Combat or higher) N/A Yes (Can be summoned; 750 Underworld tokens)
Fhanhorn Render 2000x2000
Maple Isles No (Any Combat levels) 60 minutes; 1 hour No (Cannot be bypassed; Currently doesn't have its own token)
Slime Queen Render 2000x2000
Slime Queen
Slime Island Yes (Level 60 Combat or higher) N/A Yes (Can be summoned; 100 Slime Queen tokens)
Void Serpent Render 2000x2000
Void Serpent
Void Isles Yes (Level 70 Combat or higher) N/A Yes (Can be summoned; 300 Void Serpent tokens)
Event bosses
Grand High Witch 1 Render 2000x2000
Grand High Witch***
Hub (Halloween 2020) N/A (Not applicable prior to XP + Animals update) N/A No (Cannot be summoned; Currently doesn't have her own token)
Percival The Pumpkin King Render 2000x2000
Percival the Pumpkin King*
Hub (Halloween 2021) No (Any Combat levels) N/A Yes (Can be summoned; 500 Pumpkin Boss tokens)
Zombie Cletus Render 2000x2000
Zombie Cletus*
Hub (Halloween 2022) No (Any Combat levels) 30 minutes Yes (Can be bypassed; 500 Zombie Cletus tokens)
Lunar Rabbit Render 2000x2000
Lunar Rabbit*/***
Hub (Lunar New Year 2023) No (Any Combat levels) N/A No (Cannot be summoned; Currently doesn't have its own token)

* The Slime King, Fhanhorn, Percival the Pumpkin King, Zombie Cletus, and the Lunar Rabbit can be summoned without a Combat level requirement
** Fhanhorn's summon cooldown cannot be bypassed with tokens and doesn't have its own token
*** The Grand High Witch and the Lunar Rabbit cannot be summoned by players or tokens, doesn't have a summon cooldown, and doesn't have their own token

Damage reduction (bosses only, except the Grand High Witch)[]

Number of players Damage reduction
1 0%
2 10%
3 25%
4 35%
5 45%
6+ 55%


  • Slimes are the first hostile mob in Islands.
  • Fish are the first passive mob in Islands.
  • Bees are the first flying passive mob in Islands.
  • When the Christmas 2020 event ended, frost slimes would still spawn on Slime Island for a few more days.
  • Snowmen are currently the first and only neutral mob in Islands.
  • The Grand High Witch is the first boss in Islands.
  • The Infernal Dragon is the first boss in Islands that doesn't have a summon cooldown.
    • It is the first boss in Islands that requires its own token to be summoned.
  • Fhanhorn is the first and only boss in Islands whose summon cooldown currently cannot be bypassed with 500 tokens.
    • It is also the second boss in Islands that doesn't have its own token, with the others being the Grand High Witch, the Lunar Rabbit, and the Azarathian Serpent.
    • Unlike most bosses with the "Failed to Summon" notification, if a player attempts to summon Fhanhorn while still on cooldown due to it doesn't have its own token, nothing happens.
      • It is the first and only boss in Islands that doesn't have the "Failed to Summon" notification if attempts to be summoned by players during cooldown or doesn't have its own token.
    • Since the October 28, 2022 update, the token requirement is doesn't indicate on Fhanhorn's summoning UI due to it doesn't have its own token.
  • Fhanhorn is the first boss in Islands with the ability to heal itself.