An item is an object that exists only within the player's inventory and hotbar.
When used, some items place a block version of themselves into the game. For example, water buckets turn into a fluid when placed, and seeds turn into a plant block when placed. When selected in the hotbar, items briefly display their names above the UI.
Some items can be displayed in the game environment by placing into a tool stand.
If an item is dropped, it will lay on the ground until a player picks it up, the island owner leaves the game, it is despawned due to the dropped item limit, it is picked up by an industrial chest or an industrial machine, or it is destroyed or disappeared in the void.
List of items[]
Items that create blocks, fluids or entities[]
- Baby Buffalkor Pet Spawn Egg
- Basic Fertilizer
- Bee Jar
- Bhaa Pet Spawn Egg
- Blackberry Seeds
- Blueberry Seeds
- Brown Frog Jar
- Brown Rabbit
- Bucket
- Candy Cane Seeds
- Carrot Seeds
- Chicken Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Chicken Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Chicken Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Chili Pepper Seeds
- Cow Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Cow Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Cow Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Crab Pet Spawn Egg
- Dragon Fruit Seeds
- Dragon Pet Spawn Egg
- Duck Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Duck Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Duck Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Fhanhorn Pet Spawn Egg
- Grape Seeds
- Green Frog Jar
- Horse Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Horse Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Horse Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Iron Fishing Rod
- Kor Pet Spawn Egg
- Large Firework
- Lava Bucket
- Medium Firework
- Moth Glider Pet Spawn Egg
- Onion Seeds
- Pig Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Pig Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Pig Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Pineapple Seeds
- Pink Rabbit
- Potato Seeds
- Pumpkin Boss Pet Spawn Egg
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Radish Seeds
- Raspberry Seeds
- Red Berry Seeds
- Rice Seeds
- Seaweed Seeds
- Sheep Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Sheep Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Sheep Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Slime King Pet Spawn Egg
- Slime Queen Pet Spawn Egg
- Small Firework
- Snowball
- Snowman Pet Spawn Egg
- Spellbook
- Spirit Seeds
- Spirit Spellbook
- Starfruit Seeds
- Tidal Spellbook
- Tomato Seeds
- Turkey Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Turkey Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Turkey Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Void Parasite Seeds
- Water Bucket
- Watermelon Seeds
- Wheat Seeds
- White Rabbit
- Wizard Boss Pet Spawn Egg
- Wooden Fishing Rod
- Yak Spawn Egg Tier 1
- Yak Spawn Egg Tier 2
- Yak Spawn Egg Tier 3
- Yellow Frog Jar
Items with use in the game[]
These items, when highlighted in a player's hotbar (a.k.a "held"), can be used by either attack or use, or can serve a specific purpose (for example, offer the player an advantage or disadvantage). Some can be used at any time, while others only when aiming at specific blocks or mobs.
- '70s Baby Blue Cabinet Blueprint
- '70s Chair Blueprint
- '70s Lime Table Blueprint
- '70s Rug Blueprint
- '70s Single Bed Blueprint
- Animal Nametag
- Antler Hammer
- Antler Shield
- Apple
- Apple Pie
- Aquamarine Sword
- Stone Short Arrow
- Ancient Longbow
- Avocado
- Avocado Toast
- Bacon Beach Towel Blueprint
- Barbecue Blueprint
- Wooden Shortbow
- Beach Ball Blueprint
- Beach Chair Blueprint
- Beach Table Blueprint
- Beach Umbrella Blueprint
- Berry Pancakes
- Berry Pie
- Bhutan Butter Tea
- Blackberries
- Blue Beach Towel Blueprint
- Blue Firefly Jar
- Blue Jukebox Disk
- Blueberries
- Bongo Drum
- Bookshelf Blueprint
- Bread
- Cactus Spike
- Cactus Spike Blueprint
- Candy Apple
- Candy Cane
- Carrot
- Carrot Cake
- Cheese
- Chili Pepper
- Chocolate Bar
- Christmas Present 2020
- Christmas Present 2021
- Christmas Shovel
- Cletus' Lucky Plow
- Cletus' Lucky Sickle
- Cletus' Lucky Watering Can
- Coconut
- Cooked Pineapple Pizza
- Cutlass
- Deviled Eggs
- Diamond Axe
- Diamond Great Sword
- Diamond Pickaxe
- Diamond Sickle
- Diamond War Hammer
- Dragon Fruit Acai Bowl
- Dragon Fruit Ice Cream
- Dragon Roll
- Duck Eggs Benedict
- Dumpling
- Fhanhorn's Pancakes
- Fireplace Blueprint
- Fish and Chips
- Fish Tank Anchor Blueprint
- Fish Tank Castle Blueprint
- Fish Tank Shipwreck Blueprint
- Fish Tank Treasure Chest Blueprint
- Flat Red Bed Blueprint
- Formula 86
- Fortune Cookie
- Frost Hammer
- Frost Sword
- Gilded Steel Axe
- Gilded Steel Hammer
- Gilded Steel Pickaxe
- Gilded Steel Sickle
- Gondo Datshi
- Grape
- Grape Jam
- Green Firefly Jar
- Green Jukebox Disk
- Guitar
- Honey Toast
- Honeycomb
- Indigo Jukebox Disk
- Infernal Hammer
- Iron Axe
- Iron Pickaxe
- Iron Sickle
- Iron Sword
- Iron War Axe
- Jam Sandwich
- Jar of Honey
- Kalimba
- King's Blue Bed Blueprint
- Kiwi
- Kong's Axe
- Kue Keju
- Large Red Bed Blueprint
- Leaf Clippers
- Lemon
- Lemon Bread
- Lemon Puff
- Lightning Scepter
- Lollipop
- Maple Shield
- Melodica
- Net
- Onions
- Opal Axe
- Opal Pickaxe
- Orange
- Orange Cake
- Orange Candy
- Orange Honeycomb
- Orange Jukebox Disk
- Outdoor Bench Blueprint
- Outdoor Chair Blueprint
- Outdoor Stool Blueprint
- Outdoor Table Blueprint
- Pan Flute
- Pancakes
- Philadelphia Roll
- Picnic Table Blueprint
- Pineapple
- Pineapple Slice
- Pizza
- Plow
- Plum
- Poached Duck Egg
- Potato Salad
- Potato and Duck Egg Scramble
- Potion of Fertility
- Pumpkin Hammer
- Purple Firefly Jar
- Purple Jukebox Disk
- Radish
- Rageblade
- Rageblade Blueprint
- Raspberries
- Red Berries
- Red Cloth Table Blueprint
- Red Envelope
- Red Firefly Jar
- Red Jukebox Disk
- Red Lounge Chair Blueprint
- Red Picnic Blanket Blueprint
- Red Sofa Blueprint
- Regen Potion
- Roasted Carrot
- Roasted Honey Carrot
- Ruby Staff
- Ruby Sword
- Scrambled Duck Eggs
- Shears
- Spring Rolls
- Staff of Godzilla
- Starfruit
- Starfruit Cake
- Stone Axe
- Stone Pickaxe
- Stone Shovel
- Stone Sickle
- Stone Sword
- Strength Potion
- Stripe Blue Beach Towel Blueprint
- Stripe Red Beach Towel Blueprint
- Summer Cooler Blueprint
- Sushi Roll
- Sweet Pancakes
- Sweet Rice Cakes
- Sweet Rice Dessert
- Tai Nigiri
- Tambourine
- Test Blueprint
- The Captain's Rapier
- The Dragonslayer
- Tidal Spellbook Blueprint
- Tier 1 Bait
- Tier 2 Bait
- Tomato
- Tomato Sauce
- Tomato Soup
- Treasure Map
- Tree Tap
- Truffle Avocado Toast
- Truffle Pizza
- Tuna Roll
- Umbrella Blueprint
- Umbrella Table Blueprint
- Azarathian Longbow
- Vamp Bow Blueprint
- Water Jug
- Watering Can
- White Rug Blueprint
- Wire Tool
- Wooden Axe
- Wooden Pickaxe
- Wooden Sword
- Yellow Firefly Jar
- Yellow Jukebox Disk
Items with indirect use in the game[]
The player cannot interact with or directly use these items; however, some can be sold or used in crafting recipes for other items that do have direct uses.
- Ancient Slime String
- Animal Well-being Kit
- Aquamarine Shard
- Baked Potato
- Berry Dough
- Bhaa Token
- Birch Pallet
- Black Personal Orb
- Black Truffle
- Bhaa Orb
- Blue Ornament
- Blue Page
- Blue Personal Orb
- Blue Slime Ball
- Blue Sticky Gear
- Blue Tang
- Bolt Factory Mold
- Bone
- Buffalkor Crystal
- Buffalkor Island Orb
- Buffalkor Portal Shard
- Butterfly Ticket
- Carp
- Carrot Cake Batter
- Catfish
- Cletus Ornament
- Cloth
- Clownfish
- Coal
- Copper Bolt
- Copper Ingot
- Copper Plate
- Copper Resource Deed
- Copper Rod
- Cow Ornament
- Crate of Apples
- Crate of Avocados
- Crate of Carrots
- Crate of Coconuts
- Crate of Kiwis
- Crate of Lemons
- Crate of Melons
- Crate of Onions
- Crate of Oranges
- Crate of Plums
- Crate of Potatoes
- Crate of Pumpkins
- Crate of Radishes
- Crate of Starfruit
- Crate of Tomatoes
- Crate of Wheat
- Crystallized Aquamarine
- Crystallized Gold
- Crystallized Iron
- Crystallized Obsidian
- Cut Carp
- Cut Catfish
- Cut Eel
- Cut Red Snapper
- Cut Salmon
- Cut Trout
- Cut Tuna
- Cyan Personal Orb
- Desert Island Orb
- Desert Portal Shard
- Diamond
- Diamond Mines Orb
- Diamond Mines Portal Shard
- Doubloon
- Dough
- Dragon Fruit
- Dried Bamboo
- Duck Egg
- Eel
- Egg
- Electrite
- Empty Jar
- Empty Potion Bottle
- Enchanted Diamond
- Fhanhorn's Flower
- Fhanhorn Orb
- Fish Tank Anchor
- Fish Tank Castle
- Fish Tank Shipwreck
- Fish Tank Treasure Chest
- Flower Token
- Frosty Slime Ball
- Gearbox
- Gilded Steel Rod
- Gold Ingot
- Gold Ore
- Gold Resource Deed
- Gold Skorp Claw
- Gold Skorp Scale
- Green Ornament
- Green Page
- Green Personal Orb
- Green Slime Ball
- Green Spirit Essence
- Green Sticky Gear
- Grouper
- Hardened Bow Limb
- Hickory Pallet
- Hub Island Orb
- Infernal Fish
- Infernal Flame
- Infernal Dragon Orb
- Iron Ingot
- Iron Ore
- Iron Skorp Scale
- Island Orb
- Kor Orb
- Kor Token
- Large Crate of Apples
- Large Crate of Avocados
- Large Crate of Carrots
- Large Crate of Coconuts
- Large Crate of Kiwis
- Large Crate of Lemons
- Large Crate of Melons
- Large Crate of Onions
- Large Crate of Oranges
- Large Crate of Plums
- Large Crate of Potatoes
- Large Crate of Pumpkins
- Large Crate of Radishes
- Large Crate of Starfruit
- Large Crate of Tomatoes
- Large Crate of Wheat
- Leaves
- Lemon Bread Dough
- Lime Personal Orb
- Maple Isles Orb
- Maple Leaves
- Maple Pallet
- Maple Sap
- Maple Syrup
- Maple Syrup Bottle
- Mayonnaise Jar
- Milk Bucket
- Mysterious Fragment #1
- Mysterious Fragment #2
- Mysterious Fragment #3
- Mysterious Fragment #4
- Oak Pallet
- Obsidian Hilt
- Oil Barrel
- Oil Fuel
- Oil Resource Deed
- Oily Carrot
- Oily Onion
- Oily Tomato
- Opal
- Opal Axe Hilt
- Opal Pickaxe Hilt
- Opal Sword Hilt
- Orange Cake Batter
- Orange Personal Orb
- Orange Ornament
- Pancake Dough
- Pearl
- Petrified Petroleum
- Petroleum Barrel
- Petroleum Fuel
- Pig Ornament
- Pine Pallet
- Pink Personal Orb
- Pink Slime Ball
- Pink Sticky Gear
- Pirate Island Orb
- Plate Factory Mold
- Portal Crystal
- Potato
- Puffer Fish
- Pumpkin Boss Token
- Purple Personal Orb
- Red Bronze Ingot
- Red Ornament
- Red Page
- Red Personal Orb
- Red Snapper
- Rice
- Rod Factory Mold
- Ruby
- Ruby Skorp Claw
- Ruby Skorp Scale
- Ruby Skorp Stinger
- Salmon
- Seaweed
- Shark
- Slime King Orb
- Slime King Token
- Slime Island Orb
- Pink Slime Crystal
- Slime Queen Orb
- Slime Queen Token
- Slime Ornament
- Slime Portal Shard
- Spinach
- Spirit Crystal
- Spirit Fish
- Spirit Island Orb
- Spirit Jar
- Spirit Pallet
- Steel Bolt
- Steel Ingot
- Steel Plate
- Steel Rod
- Swordfish
- Talapia
- Trout
- Tuna
- Uncooked Apple Pie
- Uncooked Pineapple Pizza
- Uncooked Pizza
- Uncooked Starfruit Cake
- Underworld Orb
- Underworld Token
- Wheat
- White Truffle
- Wizard Boss Orb
- Wizard Boss Token
- Wizard Island Orb
- Wizard Portal Shard
- Yak Milk Bucket
- Yak Butter
- Yellow Personal Orb
Removed items[]
These items have at one point in time been obtainable, but has since been removed from players' inventories, vending machines, and chests. Despite this, they may still exist in some players' inventories.
Unimplemented items[]
These items exist in the game's files but have been left unused or unimplemented due to various reasons.