Islands Wiki
Islands Wiki
Islands Wiki

Welcome to the Islands Wiki. This is its Rules page, which is meant to keep the wiki a safe environment for all users. As with all other FANDOM wikis, the Islands Wiki follows the Community Guidelines set here, along with following the Terms of Use set by FANDOM here.

To find the rules/guidelines for editing, please go to this page.

To find the general guidelines for Discussions, please go to this page.

General Rules

  1. Remain kind & respectful to other users. Remember that they are other people. This means no antagonizing others on the wiki in text or photos.
    • Everyone has their own opinions. Please respect them, and avoid badgering each other for differing opinions.
    • No telling people to kill themselves. We don't condone the act of telling other users to kill themselves. Suicide is not a joke.
    • No threatening other users. We want this wiki to be a safe place for our users, not a place for your toxicity.
  2. Vandalizing pages or any part of the wiki will lead to severe punishment. Vandalizing a page usually manifests in deliberately changing or destroying the article's contents.
    • This includes the insertion of false information, although the punishment for this offense is based on the staff member's judgment.
    • This also includes spamming the same message within discussion posts. Spamming is not conducive to getting your message across and will only be met with a punishment.
  3. No NSFW content. Posting anything NSFW in nature, whether gory media or sexual content.
  4. No racism, homophobia, or violent content. Content containing racist slurs, homophobia, and/or extremely violent content will be removed and the user will be given severe punishment.
  5. No profanity or foul words. Foul language is not allowed on articles, blog posts, article comments, and other social areas on the wiki.
  6. Don't ask to be a member of the staff on the wiki.
    • Do not impersonate staff either.
  7. Please refrain from mini-modding. Mini-modding occurs when non-staff users push the rules of the wiki and attempt to enforce them, rather than reporting these rule-breakers to the staff members.
  8. No users younger than 13.

Editing Rules

  1. Follow the Manual of Style while editing.
  2. No trading values in articles, this includes creating trading guides.
  3. Do not add irrelevant or subjective categories.
  4. Do not create additional categories without asking a staff member first.
  5. No guides or tutorials, you may post them on your own blog.
  6. Do not add useless information to a page just for the sake of editing.
  7. No articles for leaked items or myths. Pages should only be created for explicit in-game content.
  8. Do not add an appearance section to pages. A 'simple' design to someone may seem complex to another person.


  1. Do not edit another user's profile page unless they explicitly allow you to.
  2. Sockpuppeting, or ban evasion, is not allowed. If someone bypasses their block by utilizing alternate accounts, all your accounts will be blocked indefinitely unless appealed.
  3. The only place to self promote is from your own profile, self promoting anywhere else will result in a warning.
  4. Do not remove a warning message from your own message wall. This creates the illusion of you having a clean(er) record, while also making it harder for staff to keep track of how many more warnings you need before getting blocked.
  5. Do not create templates that have no use. Feel free to check with a staff member if you're unsure.