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The industrial stonecutter is an industrial machine that can automatically cut blocks into their brick, tiled, or carved variant.



Name Recipe Crafting station Required skill
Industrial Stonecutter 8 Steel Rod
1 Buffalkor Crystal
Workbench Tier 3
Workbench Tier 4
Level 22 Forging


Industrial Stonecutter Breaking Data
Hardness 6
Best Tool Pickaxe
Max Hits Needed
Material/Tool Axe Pickaxe
Stone Shovel 9
Wooden 18 9
Stone 10 6
Iron 6 4
Gilded Steel 5 3
Diamond 3 2
Opal 3 2
Void Mattock 2



Industrial stonecutters can be used to automatically cut certain blocks into their brick, tiled, or carved variant when powered with coal or petrified petroleum. It has two slots able to hold one item each in its user interface—one for an unprocessed block and one for fuel. Unprocessed blocks and fuel can be inputted through the conveyor belt at one side of the industrial stonecutter, powering the machine for 50 seconds per fuel source. It takes 16 seconds to fully cut a block, and once cut, the block variant is outputted through the conveyor belt at the other side.

Input Output
Stone Render 2000x2000
1 Stone
Stone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Stone Brick
Aquamarine Block Render 2000x2000
1 Aquamarine Block
Aquamarine Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Aquamarine Brick
Sandstone Render 2000x2000
1 Sandstone
Sandstone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Sandstone Brick
Red Sandstone Render 2000x2000
1 Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Red Sandstone Brick
Slate Render 2000x2000
1 Slate
Slate Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Slate Brick
Marble Render 2000x2000
1 Marble
Marble Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Marble Brick
Smooth Aquamarine Render 2000x2000
1 Smooth Aquamarine
Smooth Aquamarine Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Smooth Aquamarine Brick
Smooth Sandstone Render 2000x2000
1 Smooth Sandstone
Smooth Sandstone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Smooth Sandstone Brick
Smooth Red Sandstone Render 2000x2000
1 Smooth Red Sandstone
Smooth Red Sandstone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Smooth Red Sandstone Brick
Compact Ice Render 2000x2000
1 Compact Ice
Ice Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Ice Brick
Andesite Render 2000x2000
1 Andesite
Andesite Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Andesite Brick
Diorite Render 2000x2000
1 Diorite
Diorite Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Diorite Brick
Granite Render 2000x2000
1 Granite
Granite Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Granite Brick
Basalt Render 2000x2000
1 Basalt
Basalt Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Basalt Brick
Void Stone Block Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Block
Void Stone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Brick
Stone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Stone Brick
Stone Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Stone Tiles
Aquamarine Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Aquamarine Brick
Aquamarine Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Aquamarine Tiles
Slate Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Slate Brick
Slate Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Slate Tiles
Marble Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Marble Brick
Marble Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Marble Tiles
Andesite Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Andesite Brick
Andesite Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Andesite Tiles
Diorite Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Diorite Brick
Diorite Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Diorite Tiles
Granite Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Granite Brick
Granite Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Granite Tiles
Basalt Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Basalt Brick
Basalt Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Basalt Tiles
Stone Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Stone Tiles
Stone Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Stone Carved
Aquamarine Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Aquamarine Tiles
Aquamarine Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Aquamarine Carved
Slate Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Slate Tiles
Slate Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Slate Carved
Marble Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Marble Tiles
Marble Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Marble Carved
Andesite Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Andesite Tiles
Andesite Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Andesite Carved
Diorite Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Diorite Tiles
Diorite Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Diorite Carved
Granite Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Granite Tiles
Granite Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Granite Carved
Basalt Tiles Render 2000x2000
1 Basalt Tiles
Basalt Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Basalt Carved
Void Stone Brick Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Brick
Void Stone Cobble Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Cobble
Void Stone Cobble Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Cobble
Void Stone Polished Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Polished
Void Stone Polished Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Polished
Void Stone Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Carved
Void Stone Carved Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Carved
Void Stone Tiled Render 2000x2000
1 Void Stone Tiled


May 17, 2020 Industrial Stonecutter Render 2000x2000 Added industrial stonecutters.
July 11, 2020 Industrial stonecutters can now cut aquamarine blocks.
August 9, 2020 Industrial stonecutters can now cut red sandstone.
September 6, 2020 Added a progress bar for blocks being transformed in the industrial stonecutter.
Added a quick collect shortcut.
January 22, 2021 Level 22 Forging is now required to craft industrial stonecutters.
April 4, 2021 Industrial stonecutters can now cut slate and marble.
April 24, 2021 Industrial stonecutters can now cut sandstone.
June 4, 2021 Industrial stonecutters can now cut smooth aquamarine, smooth sandstone, and smooth red sandstone.
August 15, 2021 Industrial stonecutters can now be powered with petrified petroleum.
August 16, 2021 Fixed an issue preventing the progress bars of blocks from updating.
December 18, 2021 Industrial stonecutters can now cut compact ice.
February 19, 2022 Industrial stonecutters can now cut stone bricks, aquamarine bricks, slate bricks, marble bricks, stone tiles, aquamarine tiles, slate tiles, and marble tiles.
March 6, 2022 Industrial stonecutters can now cut andesite, diorite, granite, andesite bricks, diorite bricks, granite bricks, andesite tiles, diorite tiles, and granite tiles.
June 18, 2022 Industrial stonecutters can now cut basalt, basalt bricks, and basalt tiles.
August 27, 2022 Industrial stonecutters can now cut void stone blocks, void stone bricks, void stone cobbles, void stone polished, and void stone carved.


  • The industrial stonecutter's conveyor belt is slightly taller than the regular conveyor belt.