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A honey press is an item transformer that is used to make jars of honey.



Name Recipe Crafting station Required skill
Honey Press 30 Birch Wood
50 Iron Ingot
Workbench Tier 2
Workbench Tier 3
Workbench Tier 4
Level 6 Animal Care


Honey Press Breaking Data
Hardness 6
Best Tool None
Max Hits Needed
Material/Tool Axe Pickaxe
Stone Shovel 9
Wooden 18 18
Stone 10 10
Iron 6 6
Gilded Steel 5 5
Diamond 3 3
Opal 3 3
Void Mattock 2



Honeycomb can be transformed into jars of honey in a honey press. Up to ten honeycomb can be tranformed at a time, and it takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds to make one jar of honey.

Input Output
Honeycomb Render 2000x2000
1 Honeycomb
Jar of Honey Render 2000x2000
1 Jar of Honey


August 30, 2020 Honey Press Render 2000x2000 Added honey presses.
April 1, 2022 Honey presses can now store 10 honeycombs at a time.
Reduced duration on making jars of honey.


  • This was the first animated item transformer.
  • Similar to the test totem, the honey press does not have a texture when held and disappears if dropped.
  • If you spam in honeycombs just as the honey is finished processing, you can instantly transform a honeycomb or 2.