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The diamond mines portal shard is an item used to craft the diamond mines portal.


Mob drop[]

Kor has a 0.5% of dropping a diamond mines portal shard upon defeat.


Crafting ingredient[]

Image Name Recipe Crafting station
Diamond Mines Portal Render 2000x2000 Diamond Mines Portal 1 Diamond Mines Portal Shard
15 Enchanted Diamond
150 Stone Brick
Workbench Tier 3
Workbench Tier 4


February 12, 2021 Diamond Mines Portal Shard Render 2000x2000 Added diamond mines portal shards.


  • The shard has the highest drop chance out of all portal shards.
  • Being introduced after island keys were removed on February 5, 2021, this is the only portal shard to not have its appearance shared with an island key.
  • The shard has the second longest name in Islands. With 26 letters.