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The Christmas 2020 event was an event with many winter-themed additions and changes.

The Hub[]


Santa appeared as a villager located in the Hub during the event. Players could complete Christmas-themed quests in exchange for snowflakes. Snowflakes were an exclusive currency used to purchase various Christmas items and blocks.

Snow & ice[]

Snow piles and ice spikes spawned in the Hub during this time. Players could mine ice spikes with a pickaxe or axe and shovel the snow with a stone shovel or Christmas shovel. Snow is still obtainable on the Hub's mountaintops, but ice spikes currently aren't.

Christmas design[]


The Hub was redesigned to a winter theme. A secret cave with an enlarged snow globe inside was added as well.

Christmas presents[]

During this time, Christmas presents would spawn on the player's island every morning in the game. Christmas presents could be opened for rewards or gifted to other players.

Snowball machine[]

The snowball machine was a gamepass-exclusive item transformer priced at 399 Robux Robux, available for a limited time. Players that bought the gamepass were given one snowball machine in their inventory and the ability to craft more snowball machines and to produce snowballs.

Frost Slime[]

The frost slime was a hostile mob that spawned on Slime Island during this event. The mob had a chance of dropping its respective slime ball variant, the frosty slime ball, and also a chance of jukebox disks like other mobs.


  • This was the first winter event in Islands.