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The cheesemaker is an item transformer used to transform milk buckets into cheese.



Name Recipe Crafting station Required skill
Cheesemaker 30 Birch Wood
50 Iron Ingot
Workbench Tier 2
Workbench Tier 3
Workbench Tier 4
Level 10 Animal Care


Cheesemaker Breaking Data
Hardness 6
Best Tool None
Max Hits Needed
Material/Tool Axe Pickaxe
Stone Shovel 9
Wooden 18 18
Stone 10 10
Iron 6 6
Gilded Steel 5 5
Diamond 3 3
Opal 3 3
Void Mattock 2



The only use for a cheesemaker is to transform milk buckets into cheese. It takes about 3 minutes and 30 seconds to fully transform the item. One milk bucket makes one cheese, and only one item can be transformed in it at a time.

Input Item Transformer Output
Milk Bucket Render 2000x2000 Cheesemaker Render 2000x2000 Cheese Render 2000x2000


October 3, 2020 Cheesemaker Render 2000x2000 Added cheesemakers.


  • This was the second item transformer to have an animation while transforming an item.
  • There is a visual glitch where the cheesemaker would constantly play its animation when transforming an item, even if it's not transforming anything.
    • It can still transform when this occurs, and can be fixed by re-joining the game.