This category holds articles on all of the industrial machines in Islands. Some can only be crafted once the player reaches a certain level in Forging.
Auto-crafters each have a recipe selection menu that allows players to choose what item they'd like to make, each recipe takes multiple items.
Deposit collectors[]
Deposit collector are machines that are used to collect certain types of ore/fuel from deposits.
Industrial animal equipment[]
- Main article: Category:Animal equipment
Industrial animal equipment are machines that are used to aid in the production of animal products such as wool or milk buckets.
Industrial crop/tree equipment[]
A crop/tree equipment are machines used to collect or place crops/trees/flowers.
Industrial heating devices[]
- Main article: Category:Heating devices
An industrial heating device is any automatable machine that can heat, cook or smelt.
Industrial item transformers[]
- Main article: Category:Item transformers
An industrial item transformer is any automatable machine that takes one type of item, and turns it into a type of item, players can only pick what goes in and cannot select what it is going to make. Some may require a factory mold to craft a specific item.
These are automatable machines that don't fit into any of the sub-categories above.
Name | Sub-category | Use |
Industrial Smelter | Heating devices | Automatically smelts gold, iron, copper, or clay into their respective ingots or bricks. |
Industrial Oven | Heating devices | Automatically cooks food items. |
Steel Mill | Item transformers | Automatically turns iron ingots into steel ingots. |
Copper Press | Item transformers | Presses copper ingots into bolts, plates, and rods using molds. |
Steel Press | Item transformers | Presses steel ingots into bolts, plates, and rods using molds. |
Industrial Washing Station | Item transformers | Converts oily crops into regular, sellable crops. |
Industrial Stonecutter | Item transformers | Converts certain blocks into their respective brick type. |
Industrial Sawmill | Item transformers | Automatically turns wood types into their respective planks. |
Industrial Polishing Station | Item transformers | Converts certain blocks into their respective smooth block type. |
Oil Refinery | Item transformers | Refines oil fuel into petroleum fuel. |
Petroleum Petrifier | Item transformers | Petrifies petroleum fuel and turns it into petrified petroleum. |
Fuel Barrel Filler | Item transformers | Turns oil fuel into oil barrels. |
Fuel Barrel Extractor | Item transformers | Extracts oil fuel from oil barrels. |
Sap Boiler | Item transformers | Turns maple sap into maple syrup. |
Syrup Bottler | Item transformers | Turns maple syrup into maple syrup bottle. |
Red Bronze Refinery | Auto-crafters | Turns gold ingots and copper ingots into red bronze ingots. |
Crate Packer | Auto-crafters | Packs crops into crates of 100 crops each. |
Tier 2 Crate Packer | Auto-crafters | Packs crops into large crates of 250 crops each. |
Food Processor | Auto-crafters | Automatically crafts food items from their respective ingredients. |
Pallet Packer | Auto-crafters | Makes pallets out of 100 planks. |
Wool Vacuum | Animal equipment | Takes the wool off sheep when they're ready to be sheared. |
Industrial Milker | Animal equipment | Milks cows or yaks when they're ready to be milked. |
Automated Trough | Animal equipment | Automatically refills its trough for animals to eat from. |
Industrial Berry Basket | Animal equipment | Stores berries from turkeys. |
Industrial Lumbermill | Industrial crop/tree equipment | Chops down trees in front of it when fully grown. |
Sapling Automatic Planter | Industrial crop/tree equipment | Plants inputted saplings in front of it. |
Industrial Flower Picker | Industrial crop/tree equipment | Automatically collects flowers in a radius. |
Drill | Deposit collectors | Extracts gold or copper ore from gold or copper deposits. |
Pumpjack | Deposit collectors | Extracts oil fuel from oil deposits. |
Industrial Merchant Teleseller | Miscellaneous | Automatically sells items to certain villagers. |
Drill -
Red Bronze Refinery -
Industrial Smelter -
Steel Press -
Steel Mill -
Industrial Lumbermill -
Tier 2 Crate Packer -
Food Processor
All items (32)