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Crafting stations are unique blocks that are used to make various items. They are 100% manual and cannot be automated. There are currently 23 crafting stations in the game, including 6 exclusive ones that require their respective gamepass to craft and use.

Types of crafting stations[]

Tiered workbenches[]





Crafting station Sub-category Type of recipes Notes
Workbench Tiered workbench Wooden pickaxe and workbench tier 1 Used to craft the player's two first items.
Workbench Tier 1 Tiered workbench Basic tools, blocks, and workbenches.
Workbench Tier 2 Tiered workbench Simple tools, blocks, and workbenches.
Workbench Tier 3 Tiered workbench Advanced workbenches, simple tools and blocks, and industrial machines.
Coloring Station Cosmetic Colored blocks The coloring station is used to make colored blocks like clay and carpets using flowers as dyes.
Furniture Workbench Cosmetic Furniture The furniture workbench is mainly used for making furniture items.
Pottery Bench Cosmetic Flower pot The pottery bench is used to craft flower pots without the need of a gamepass.
Sewing Station Cosmetic Sewing-related items The sewing station is used to craft plushies and yarn.
Anvil Miscellaneous Advanced tools, advanced weapons, and steel rods The anvil is mainly used to make high-tier weapons, tools, and items. This includes gilded steel rods, vamp bows, arrows, tidal spellbooks, and gilded steel pickaxes.
Cooking Table Miscellaneous Uncooked food The cooking table is used to make uncooked food, such as dough, uncooked starfruit cake, and candy apples.
Brewing Stand Miscellaneous Potions The brewing stand is used to make potions, with recipes like strength potions, and regen potions, and previously formula 86.
Animal Bench Miscellaneous Animal items The animal bench is used to make animal-related items, including buckets, hay beds, wheat troughs, and animal nametags.
Electrical Workbench Miscellaneous Creates electrical components. More recipes are unlocked as the electrical workbench levels up.
Washing Station Miscellaneous Clean oily crops.
Cutting Table Miscellaneous Cut fish and pineapples.
Maple Workbench Miscellaneous Pancake-related items and blocks. The maple workbench requires a blueprint to be crafted.
Floral Bench Premium Decoration blocks The floral bench is mainly used to make decoration blocks with flowers, including maple hedges, bushes, and flower pots. It requires a gamepass to use.
Lighting Station Premium Light-emitting blocks The lighting station is used to create premium lighting blocks, including candles, sea lanterns, and firefly garden lights. It requires a gamepass to use.
Firework Barrel Premium Fireworks The firework barrel requires a gamepass to use.
Obby Kit Premium Obby items The obby kit requires a gamepass to use.
Banner Workbench Premium Banners The banner workbench requires a gamepass to use.
Instrument Workbench Premium Instruments The instrument workbench requires a gamepass to use.

All items (24)
