This category holds articles on all blocks available in the game.
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All items (733)
- Acorn
- Amethyst Block
- Ancient Stool
- Ancient Street Lamp
- Ancient Table
- Ancient Wall Light
- And Gate
- Andesite
- Andesite Brick
- Andesite Carved
- Andesite Tiles
- Animal Bench
- Anvil
- Apple Tree
- Aquamarine Banner
- Aquamarine Block
- Aquamarine Brick
- Aquamarine Carved
- Aquamarine Potted Plant
- Aquamarine Tiles
- Athlete Statue
- Automated Trough
- Avocado Tree
- Bacon Beach Towel
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Block
- Bamboo Plant
- Banner
- Banner Workbench
- Barbecue
- Basalt
- Basalt Brick
- Basalt Carved
- Basalt Tiles
- Basic Sprinkler
- Beach Ball
- Beach Chair
- Beach Table
- Beach Umbrella
- Bedrock
- Bee Hive
- Bee Ottoman
- Bell
- Bell (Christmas)
- Berry Basket
- Birch Wood
- Blackboard
- Blast Furnace
- Blue Beach Towel
- Blue Flower Plant
- Bone Block
- Bonsai Plant
- Bookshelf
- Brazier
- Brewing Stand
- Brick
- Buffalkor Crystal Block
- Buffalkor Portal
- Bunk Bed
- Burger Neon Light Sign
- Bush
- Bush Pot
- Butterfly Couch
- Butterfly Event Archway
- Butterfly Event Bench
- Butterfly Festival Trophy
- Butterfly Lamp
- Button
- Cactus Plant
- Cactus Plushie
- Caged Candle Ceiling Light
- Campfire
- Candle
- Candy Basket (2021)
- Candy Basket (2022)
- Candy Cane (block)
- Candy Cane Fence
- Candy Cane Lamp
- Candy Cane Light Fence
- Candy Cluster
- Capitalist Statue
- Carpet
- Cash Pile
- Castle Shield
- Cat Plushie
- Cauldron (2021)
- Cauldron (2022)
- Cauldron (2023)
- Caution Block
- Ceiling Fan
- Chandelier
- Checker Tiled Block
- Cheesemaker
- Cherry Blossom Tree
- Cherry Blossom Wood
- Chest
- Chicken Statue
- Chocolate Turkey Bean Bag
- Christmas Event Trophy 2022
- Christmas Fence Light
- Christmas Present 2020
- Christmas Present 2021
- Christmas Present 2022
- Christmas Street Light
- Christmas Tree
- Chrome Glass Block
- Churner
- Circular Ceiling Light
- Clay
- Clay Deposit
- Cletus Plushie
- Cletus' Scarecrow
- Cloth Loom
- Coal Block
- Coal Generator
- Cobblestone Block
- Cobweb
- Coffin
- Coin Pile
- Coloring Station
- Combiner
- Compact Dirt
- Compact Ice
- Compact Snow
- Composter
- Conveyor
- Conveyor Belt
- Conveyor Ramp
- Conveyor Sensor
- Cooking Table
- Copper Block
- Copper Deposit
- Copper Press
- Coral
- Coral Block
- Cornucopia Bed
- Counter Center
- Counter Corner
- Cow Statue
- Crate Packer
- Cross Banner
- Crown Statue
- Cup Gnome
- Cupcake Plushie
- Cutting Table
- Dead Bush
- Decorated Street Lamp
- Desert Chest
- Desert Furnace
- Desert Portal
- Desk & Chair
- Diamond Block
- Diamond Mines Portal
- Diner Booth
- Diner Table
- Diorite
- Diorite Brick
- Diorite Carved
- Diorite Tiles
- Dirt Pile
- Disco Ball
- Disco Floor Tile
- Display Case
- Dog Plushie
- Double Street Lamp
- Draven Statue
- Dried Bamboo Block
- Drill
- Dumpling Chair
- Dumpling Couch
- Dungeon Cage
- Dungeon Chest
- DV Plushie
- DV Trophy
- Dynamite Box
- Dynamite Wall Decor