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A cactus is a 2-block tall crop that grows on sand from cactus seeds.



Harvesting a cactus yields 1 - 3 cacti, 1 cactus seed, and 42 Farming XP (168 XP with the 4x daily bonus). The chance of obtaining more than one cactus per plant is increased by the player's Farming level and for owners of the VIP gamepass. Extra cactus seeds cannot be yielded.


The growth time of cacti is not affected by water nor basic fertilizer.

Cactus Growth Phases
Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Cactus-growth-0 Cactus-growth-1 Cactus-growth-2 Cactus-growth-3
Time since planted
0m 0s 5hrs 10hrs 20hrs
Note: The durations of time above are on an unfertilized and unwatered plant
Cactus Growth Time
Type Growth Time
Normal 20hrs
Fertilized 20hrs
Watered 20hrs
Watered + Fertilized 20hrs


Crafting ingredient[]

Image Name Recipe Crafting station Required skill
Desert Portal Render 2000x2000 Desert Portal 5 Cactus
120 Red Sandstone Brick
1 Desert Portal Shard
Workbench Tier 3
Workbench Tier 4
Cactus Spike Render 2000x2000 Cactus Spike 100 Cactus Anvil Level 36 Combat
Cactus Plant Render 2000x2000 Cactus Plant 5 Cactus
5 Brick
Furniture Workbench None


Image Name Recipe Crafting station
Crate of Cactus Render 2000x2000 Crate of Cactus 100 Cactus Crate Packer
Large Crate of Cactus Render 2000x2000 Large Crate of Cactus 250 Cactus Tier 2 Crate Packer


Cacti can be sold to Cletus for 25 coins each after reaching level 38 Farming.


November 20, 2020 Cactus Render 2000x2000 Added cacti.
January 22, 2021 Cacti now grant 42 Farming XP when harvested.
Cacti now require level 38 Farming to be sold to Tom.
February 19, 2021 Fixed an issue that caused cacti to grow in 6 minutes.
June 3, 2022 Cacti can now be sold to Cletus instead of to Tom.
100 cacti are now required to craft cactus spikes, up from 20.
July 30, 2022 Cacti can be packed into normal and large crates of cacti.
August 6, 2022 Changed sell price of cacti from 30 coins to 35 coins.
August 13, 2022 Changed the sell price of cacti from 35 coins to 30 coins.
October 15, 2022 Cacti can now be sold to Tom instead of to Cletus.
October 22, 2022 Changed the sell price of cacti from 30 coins to 35 coins.
November 4, 2022 Changed the sell price of cacti from 30 coins to 25 coins.
Cacti can now be sold to Cletus instead of to Tom.
December 2, 2022 Changed the sell price of cacti from 30 coins to 25 coins.
July 8, 2023 Changed the sell price of cacti from 30 coins to 35 coins.


  • Cacti are one of the two plants and the only crop that grows on sand, the other being palm trees.
  • This crop gives the most Farming XP out of all crops when harvested.
  • Cacti have the slowest growth time of all crops.
  • Before the February 19, 2021 update, cacti only grew in 6 minutes instead of 20 hours.