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Animal Care (formerly Animal Husbandry) is a skill that mainly focuses around passive mobs. It can be leveled up by petting, feeding, and breeding animals along with harvesting bee hives or catching fireflies, spirits and butterflies. It can be used to unlock crafting recipes in the animal bench and offers from Taliyah. Players can only have 7 large animals, 7 small animals, 3 turkeys, and 3 vultures (20 in total).


Level Unlock(s)
Level 2 Net
Crafting Recipe
Small Display Case
Crafting Recipe
Level 3 Wooden Trough
Crafting Recipe
Level 5 Honey Press
Crafting Recipe
Jar of Honey
Merchant Offer
+2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 8 Ride Animals
Mount Ability
Level 10 Cheesemaker
Crafting Recipe
Merchant Offer
2 Large Animals
Animal Limit
+1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 11 Hay Bed
Crafting Recipe
Level 12 Chicken Spawn Egg Tier 1
Merchant Offer
Merchant Offer
Level 13 Firefly Wall Lamp
Crafting Recipe
Level 15 Animal Nametag
Crafting Recipe
+2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 16 Large Display Case
Crafting Recipe
Level 18 Mayonnaise Jar
Merchant Offer
Crafting Recipe
Level 19 Nest
Crafting Recipe
Level 20 2 Large Animals
Animal Limit
+1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
2 Small Animals
Animal Limit
Level 21 Sheep Spawn Egg Tier 1
Merchant Offer
Crafting Recipe
White Wool
Merchant Offer
Level 22 Firefly Garden Light
Crafting Recipe
Level 24 Cloth Loom
Crafting Recipe
Merchant Offer
Level 25 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 26 Metal Trough
Crafting Recipe
Level 28 Scratching Post
Crafting Recipe
Level 30 +1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
2 Small Animals
Animal Limit
Level 31 Pig Spawn Egg Tier 1
Merchant Offer
Black Truffle
Merchant Offer
Level 34 Truffle Barrel
Crafting Recipe
Level 35 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 36 Industrial Milker
Crafting Recipe
Level 37 Mud Pile
Crafting Recipe
Level 38 White Truffle
Merchant Offer
Level 40 Duck Spawn Egg Tier 1
Merchant Offer
Duck Egg
Merchant Offer
2 Large Animals
Animal Limit
+1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
2 Small Animals
Animal Limit
Level 45 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Industrial Nest
Crafting Recipe
Level 47 Wool Vacuum
Crafting Recipe
Level 48 Industrial Truffle Barrel
Crafting Recipe
Level 49 Yak Spawn Egg Tier 1
Merchant Offer
Yak Milk Bucket
Merchant Offer
Level 50 +1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 51 Horse Spawn Egg Tier 1
Merchant Offer
Level 55 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 60 2 Large Animals
Animal Limit
+1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
2 Small Animals
Animal Limit
Level 65 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 70 +1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 75 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 80 2 Large Animals
Animal Limit
+1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
2 Small Animals
Animal Limit
Level 85 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 90 +1 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus
Level 95 +2 Fertility Potion stock
Merchant Bonus

XP Amount[]

Action XP Received with 4x bonus
Selling an animal[1] ?-? ?-?
Feeding 3 9
Petting 6 18
Harvesting Honeycomb from a Bee Hive 7 30
Catching a Firefly 3-15 15-60
Milking a Cow 24 90
When an Industrial Milker milks a Cow 11-12 45
Shearing a Sheep 38 152
When a Sheep uses a Scratching Post 17-18 69
When a Wool Vacuum "shears" a Sheep 17-18 69
Taking a Truffle from a Pig 45 180
When a Pig puts a Truffle in a Truffle Barrel 25 90
Milking a Yak 24 90
When an Industrial Milker milks a Yak 11-12 45
Catching a Spirit 3 15
Breeding Cows and getting a Cow Spawn Egg 49 198
Breeding Chickens and getting a Chicken Spawn Egg 62 249
Breeding Sheep and getting a Sheep Spawn Egg 75 300
Breeding Pigs and getting a Pig Spawn Egg 54 399
Breeding Yaks and getting a Yak Spawn Egg 49 198
Breeding Ducks and getting a Duck Spawn Egg 62 249
Breeding Turkeys and getting a Turkey Spawn Egg 49 198
Breeding Horses and getting a Horse Spawn Egg 62 249
Catching a butterfly 3 15

Animal limit[]

Level Large animal limit Small animal limit
Level 1 2 2
Level 10 4 (despite)
3 (actually)
Level 20 6 (despite)
4 (actually)
4 (despite)
3 (actually)
Level 30 6 (despite)
4 (actually)
Level 40 8 (despite)
5 (actually)
8 (despite)
5 (actually)
Level 60 10 (despite)
6 (actually)
10 (despite)
6 (actually)
Level 80 12 (despite)
7 (actually)
12 (despite)
7 (actually)

Note: Turkeys or vultures do not count as large animal limit or small animal limit.


  • This skill was renamed from Animal Husbandry to Animal Care after February 5, 2021.
  • This skill has the highest level unlock out of all skills.
  • Although the developers alluded to different advantages and special abilities for animal mounting in the February 19, 2021 update, riding animals serves no purpose as of right now, but only gives extra speed to the rider.
  • Despite showing that the descriptions of roadmap "2 Large Animals" (Level 10 to 80) or "2 Small Animals" (Level 20 to 80), players could only spawn 3 to 7 large animals or 3 to 7 small animals.
    • This is because the player's animal limit is actually increased by 1 (+1 with small animal) instead of 2 (+2 with small animal).
      • Its limit was actually 7 (+7 with small animal) instead of 12 (+12 with small animal).
  • There is a glitch that allows a player to gain Animal Care XP by repeatedly releasing a butterfly and capturing it again.
  • When the player reached level 100 Animal Care, this skill doesn't have any unlock of roadmap.
  1. Varies on the animal's happiness.